Costa Rica's  BUTTERFLIES and other WILDLIFE WONDERS: (Part 1)

BUTTERFLIES: Costa Rica boasts having more than 15% of all the world's butterflies. Below we invite to you imagine the excitement of our recording the beginning of these fluttering little friends.

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Tarjeta - Card # 5:  IGUANA AZUL- BLUE IGUANA:

Gran cantidad de iguanas pueden verse asolear al atardecer en la campi–a, a lo largo de las playas, o posadas en una cerca o muro donde normalmente hacen sus hogares. Para verlas gozando del atardecer ver tarjetas   # 33, 39, 47, 48, 49 y 76 en esta serie.

Several species of Iguanas pervade the courtry side and can often been seen basking in the sun, along the beaches, sitting on the top of fence posts (which several make their home) or soaking up the heat next to the bubbling mud pots on the slopes of the active volcanoes. Check out more Iguanas and other animals viewing the sunset on cards #33, 39, 47, 48, 49 and 76.

Click HERE or ABOVE for more BEACHES: (Part 2)

Tarjeta - Card # 9:  PURA VIDA - PURE LIFE:

Sientese, relajese y disfrute de cientos de playas en el Oceana Pac’fica como en el Atl‡ntico. Gente local y en especial nuestro buen amigo Victor amenudo dice ÒPURA VIDAÓ es un estado mental que significa el aprecio de atestiguar y ser parte de la vida pura. M‡s playas, ver tarjetas y humor # 11, 25, 32, 33, 46, 54, 55, 61, 69 y 77.

Sit back and enjoy Costa Rica's hundreds of beaches on both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Locals and especially our good friend Victor often say "PURA VIDA" is a state of mind meaning the appreciation of witnessing and being a part of "PURE LIFE". for more beaches and more pura vida see cards # 11, 25, 32, 33, 46, 54, 55, 61, 69 and 77.

Click HERE or ABOVE for province of GUANACASTE:  Click here for BUTTERFLIES:

Tarjeta - Card # 14:  EXPLORANDO C.R. - FRONTERA C R:

Una excelente forma de observ ar el ÒcampoÓ es a caballo. Todav’a se logran ver en algunos peque–os pueblos uno o dos caballos amarrados a la entrada del mercado local mientras sus due–os hacen las compras. Para ver m‡s del campo...tarjetas # 21, 39, 42 y 49.

Horseback riding is a great way to see much of Costa Rica's campo (the countryside). In smaller pueblos (towns) you'll often see a horse or two tied up in the local mercado (market place) as its owners do their shopping. For more Costa Rica countrysides, see cards # 21, 39, 42 y 49.

Click HERE or ABOVE for BUTTERFLIES (Part 2)


Rica en flora, mariposas y especies de aves - disfruta de lo mejor de la madre naturaleza. Costa Rica es el hogar de m‡s de 10% de las especies de mariposas a nivel mundial. Fotograf’a de mariposas cortes’a del Volc‡n Rinc—n de la Hotel de Monta–a. M‡s acerca de mariposas...tarjetas # 5. 14, 21, 27, 28, 30, 32, 49, 57 y 60.

Rich in flora, butterflies and bird species - enjoy mother nature at her best. Costa Rica is home to over 16% of the world's butterfly species. Butterfly photograph courtesy of the Rincon de la Vieja Volcano Mountain Lodge. For more butterflies see cards # 5. 14, 21, 27, 28, 30, 32, 49, 57 y 60.

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Con gran abundancia y variedad de especies alrededor del pa’s, las mariposas morpho aqu’ mostradas fueron fotografiadas y cortes’a de el Volc‡n Rinc—n de la hotel de monta–a. Ver tarjetas # 5. 14, 18, 27, 28, 30, 32, 49, 57 y 60.

Bromiliads are very abundant with many species thoughout the countryside. The morpho butterflies shown here were photographed courtesty of the Rincon de la Vieja Volcano Mountain Lodge. See cards # 5. 14, 18, 27, 28, 30, 32, 49, 57 and 60.

Click here or above for more BUTTERFLIES:

Tarjeta - Card # 27:  BUTTERFLY WATCHING:

OBSERVANDO MARIPOSAS: Mariposas viven en los diversos bosques tropicales de Costa Rica. M‡s del 10% de las especies demariposas en el mundo entero hacen su hogar en este rico p‡is. Fotograf’a de mariposas cortes’a del Volc‡n Rinc—n de la Hotel de Monta–a. Ver m‡s mariposas tarjetas # 5, 18, 21, 28, 30, 32, 49.

Bountiful amounts of butterlies are seen throughout the diverse tropical forests of Costa Rica. Over 16% of the world's butterfly species have their home in this rich country. Butterfly photos courtesy of the Rincon de la Vieja Volcano Mountain Lodge. More butterflies on cards. # 5, 18, 21, 28, 30, 32, 49.

Click here to see BUTTERFLIES:  (Part 2)
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