Costa Rica: Tortugas-Turtles: (Part Two)

TURTLES: Costa Rica is home to several species of turtles (almost each of which is on the endangered species list. These include Leatherbacks, Ridley, Hawkbeak etc.
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De la pintura original del artista LAURENCE CHERNIAK. Costa Rica es el lugar para ver una abundante y colorida vida marina y criaturas de todas las formas y habitos. Para m‡s arte a pura mano del artista ver tarjetas # For more underwater artwork (photos and paintings) see cards # 2, 3, 10,15, 19, 26, 29, 31, 37, 44, 45, 52, 64, 66, 67 y 75.

Original painting by LAURENCE CHERNIAK. Costa Rica is where you can see an abundance of colorful sealife and creatures of all monnners and habits. For more original paintings by the artist see cards # 2, 3, 10,15, 19, 26, 29, 31, 37, 44, 45, 52, 64, 66, 67 and 75.

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De Julio a Noviembre anidan en las Costa Pac’fica norte de Costa Rica en playa Ostional. Es la m‡s abundante de las seis especies de tortugas que arrivan a las ocstas de Costa Rica cada a–o. M‡s tortugas ver cartas # 15, 17, 29, 31 y 57.

From July to Nov. the olive ridley turtle (lepidochelys olivacea) nest on the norther Pacific coast line at Ostional Beach. They are the most abundant of the six species of sea turtles, that arrive each year on the Costa Rican shorelines. For more turtles see cards # 15, 17, 29, 31, 41, 66 and 67.

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Card # 67: NAVEGANDO LOS RêOS de C R- Riding C.R.'s rivers:

Imagine si usted viajara para las tranquilas y seguras aguas r’o abajo bordeano bosques tropicales. SiŽntese y disfrute una de la m‡s finas naturalezas de Costa Rica. Pericos, mot mots, monos, iguanas, cocodrilos asole‡ndose....que manera m‡s placentera de pasar su d’a. Gracias a Jorge Hagnauer B. de Safaris Corobici y Juan Sanchez de la finca de Cocodrilos, Jaco por sus asistencia fotogr‡fica. Mas vida silvestre ver nuestras tarjeta # 1,5,17, 20, 36, 42, 47, 48, 50 y 65.

Imagine if you will, a quiet and safe ride down the river bordered by tropical forest. Sit back; if your are quiet enough you will get enjoy the vistas you could observe in some of Costa Rica's finest nature. Parrots, mot-mots, monkeys, iguanas, kingfishers, crocodiles basking in the sun.....what a pleasant way to spend part of your day. Thanks to Jorge Hagnauer B. of Safiris Corobici for photographic assistance. For more wild life see our cards #1, 2, 8, 23, 36, 53, 56, 59 and 61.

Click here for TORTUGAS: (Part One)
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