"3rd Edition"  (Part One) released August 1999.

(5 by 7 inches) with (HIGH CONTRAST PASTEL) full color designs on the back.

 Click here or on left to view: FRONTS of 2nd edition.
 Click here or on right to view: FRONTS OF 1st edition.

Below:   Costa Rica's  Finest Postcards:  2nd edition:  (Part 1)

Click ABOVE & view ADVENTURE postcards. Click HERE to go to CRFPC...HOMEPAGE.

Tarjeta - Card # 67: NAVEGANDO LOS RêOS de C R- Riding C.R.'s rivers:

Imagine si usted viajara para las tranquilas y seguras aguas r’o abajo bordeano bosques tropicales. SiŽntese y disfrute una de la m‡s finas naturalezas de Costa Rica. Pericos, mot mots, monos, iguanas, cocodrilos asole‡ndose....que manera m‡s placentera de pasar su d’a. Gracias a Jorge Hagnauer B. de Safaris Corobici y Juan Sanchez de la finca de Cocodrilos, Jaco por sus asistencia fotogr‡fica. M‡s vida silvestre ver nuestras tarjeta # 1,5,17, 20, 36, 42, 47, 48, 50, 65.

Imagine if you will, a quiet and safe ride down the river bordered by tropical forest. Sit back; if your are quiet enough you will get enjoy the vistas you could observe in some of Costa Rica's finest nature. Parrots, mot-mots, monkeys, iguanas, kingfishers, crocodiles basking in the sun.....what a pleasant way to spend part of your day. Thanks to Jorge Hagnauer B. of Safiris Corobici for photographic assistance. For more wild life see our cards #1, 2, 8, 23, 36, 53, 56, 59 & 61.

Click ABOVE & view FOREST/JUNGLE postcards Click HERE go to CRFPC...HOMEPAGE.

Tarjeta - Card # 68: Fiesta de Ranas - Frog Party:

Mas de 160 especies de ranas abundan en C.R. Muchas ranas muestran unas combinaciones de colores ex—ticas, como el Agalchnis callidryas o rana de ‡rbol (inferior, izquierda), o la rana de hoja con ojos rojos (superior, derecha), que se camufla en su ambiente. Para ver m‡s cartas del bosque tropical, vea # 21, 27, 49, 53 y 72.

Over 160 amphibian species are seen throughout C.R. Many frogs display beautiful color combinations like the Agalchnis callidryas tree frog (btm. right) or the red-eyed leaf frog (tp. right) who blend into their surroundings. More rain forest cards..see #21, 27, 49, 53 and 72.

CLICK above & view more GOING BANANAS in C.R. to be posted by Nov 1, 1999.

Tarjeta - Card # 69: Bananos en Costa Rica - I went bananas in Costa Rica:

Una expresi—n bien conocida en Costa Rica? "Vine en una vacaci—n de dos semanas hace 3 — 4 a–os y nunca me fui." "No hay ma–ana sin guaro!!!" Gracias a Gildania Fern‡ndez y Kenneth Hilton de la Texaco por su apoyo. Para m‡s cartas como Žsta, ver # 9, 25, 33, 54 y 58.

A well known expression in Costa Rica? ÒI came down here for a two week vacation. That was 3 or 4 years agoÓ. ÒNo tomorrow without guaroÓ!! Thanks for support from Gildania Fernandez and Kenneth Hilton of Texaco C.R. More humor .. see cards #9, 25, 33, 54 and 58.

CLICK above & view more BIRDLIFE postcards. Click here for more MONKEYS.

Tarjeta - Card # 70: Mono Oscilante - SwinginÕ Howler :

Este mono (Alouatta palliata), conocido por sus rugidos fuertes, lo atraparon en un momento pensativo donde observa lo que hace el McCaw verde militar, pero al mot mot (inferior, izquierda) parece no importarle lo que hacen los dos de arriba. M‡s monos, vea #1, 24, 36, y 42.

Sit back and enjoy Costa Rica's hundreds of beaches on both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Locals and especially our good friend Victor often says "PURA VIDA." PURA VIDA is a state of mind meaning the appreciation of witnessing and being a part of "PURE LIFE". for more beaches and more pura vida see cards #32, 38, 46, 54 and 60.

CLICK above & view more BIG CATS. Click here to go to CRFPC...HOMEPAGE.

Tarjeta - Card # 71: Jaguars Negro - Black Jaguars:

Uno de los felinos m‡s grandes, el jaguar negro es un animal en peligro de extinci—n, actualmente protegido dentro de parques nacionales y reservas. Para ver m‡s gatos grandes, vea cartas # 20, 34, 50, 65 y 67.

One of the larger cats, the black jaguar ... a rare and endangered animal is highly protected within the national parks and reserves. For more big cats see cards # 20, 34, 50, 65 and 67.

CLICK above & view more FUN CARDS. Click HERE for VOLCANOS:

Tarjeta - Card # 72: Volc‡n Arenal - Tabac—n:

Dele’tese flotando en las aguas minerales calientes y naturales. Rel‡jese mientras aprecia los impecables jardines tropicales con la presencia majestuosa del Volc‡n Arenal y sus erupciones espont‡neas. Gracias muy especiales para Mario Mikowski Hun y JosŽ Francisco Vargas C. del Tabac—n Resort, por su asistencia con la fotograf’a. M‡s cartas del Arenal, ver # 12, 16 y 51.

Enjoy floating in hot, natural, mineral springs. Relax in awe of the immaculate tropical gardens, with Volcan ArenalÕs spontaneous eruptions. Special thanks to Mario Mikowski Hun & Jose Francisco Vargas C., of Tabac—n Resort Lodge for photo assistance. For more Arenal cards see #12, 16, and 51.

CLICK here to see 3nd Edition (Part Two)

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